Rising Tide Demonstrates Even Climate Protestors Need Fossil Fuel
Last week Rising tide provided an impressive showcase for plastic fossil
fuel products during their climate protest.
1 hour ago
A sometimes humorous look at the antics of Global Alarmists and their cronies in the climate industry
################################################################# ################################################################# ## ## ## Step chart of NASA GISS annual temperature anomaly (C) data ## ## ## ################################################################# ################################################################# ############################### # Step 1: SETUP SOURCE FILE # ############################### rm(list=ls()) link <- "C:\\Rdata\\Bom_Yrly_Anom_1910_2009.csv" script<- " C:/Rdata/Australian_Data_Script_V3.r" ############################################################# # Step 2: READ DATA FROM CSV FILE WITH FIRST ROW HEADINGS # ############################################################# my_Data <- read.table(link, sep = ",", dec=".", skip=0, row.names = NULL, header = T, colClasses = rep("numeric", 2), na.strings = c("", "*", "-", -99.99, 99.9, 999.9)) ############################# # STEP 3: MANIPULATE DATA # ############################# # Construct chart title - nothing to manipulate this time Title <- paste("Annual Mean Surface Air Temperature Anomaly - Australia (1910 - 2009) \nBOM - High Quality Annual T Network (adjusted data)" ) ######################### # STEP 4: CREATE PLOT # ######################### ## GRAPHIC PARAMETERS win.graph(width = 10.5, height = 7, pointsize = 12) ### Sets size of graphics window ### par(bg = "white"); # sets background colour, default = transparent par(las = 1) # Sets Y axis label orientation to vertical, set text font sizes par(cex.main=0.8); par(cex.sub=0.7); par(cex.lab = 0.8); par(cex.axis =.75); ## HIGH LEVEL GRAPHIC FUNCTION CALL #usr <- par("usr") , #rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col="cornsilk", border="black"), plot(Anomaly ~ Year, my_Data, ylim = c(-1.25,1.25), type=c("s"), col = "dark grey", lwd = 2, #line width xlab = "Year", asp = "FULL", bty ="o", ylab = expression(paste("Annual Temperature Anomaly - ",degree, "C (Baseline: 1961-1990)")), main = Title, sub = "Source: BOM - @ http://reg.bom.gov.au/climate/change/hqsites/data/temp/meanT.040842.annual.anom.txt") ## LOW LEVEL GRAPHIC FUNCTION CALL lines(lowess(my_Data$Anomaly ~ my_Data$Year, f=0.1),col = "blue", lwd = 3) arrows(1961,-1.0, 1990, -1.0, code = 3, angle = 20, col = "dark grey") abline(h=0, col = "grey") # o.o horizontal line text(1965, -.990, "Baseline\n Period\n1961-1990", cex = 0.6, pos=3) text(1931, -1.20, "LOESS smoothing, q = 0.10", cex =0.65, pos =1) points(c(1910,1921), c(-1.3,-1.3), col="blue", type = "l", lwd = 2) text(2005, -1.2, "The Dog Ate My Data", cex=0.65, pos=1) ## Add script name & print date to chart my_date <- format(Sys.time(),"%d/%m/%y ") mtext(script, side=1, line = -1, outer = T, adj = 0, cex = 0.65) mtext(my_date, side = 1, line = -1, outer = T, adj = 1, cex = 0.7) ################### # STEP 5: CLOSE # ################### # todo
Put a PRE & /PRE tag around the whole region, and it will format as monospace with preserved linebreaks
Thanks Sierra. I will repost the code with the proper tags tonight. Much appreciated.
You also need to replace the angle brackets within the code with < or > entities, or they will be misinterpreted as HTML. Usually better in these cases to link to a separate file containing the raw text, in which case you don't need to encode characters for presentation within an HTML page.
Yep I see what you mean. The code seems to be displayed now however due to the line lengths I used and the format of the blog page it is still difficult to read. I'll have to set up files to link to as I have some better scripts just about ready to go when I get a chance to finalise them. More to follow shortly on the blog.
To prevent long lines of code from wrapping within the relatively narrow column, try adding this to your PRE tag:
<pre style="overflow:scroll">
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